It's 14th of Feb peeps!
Love is in the air~
Went shoe shopping with Adoria ytd C=
Didn't know it was THAT difficult to find flats.. @.@
We spent 3hrs in Queens!
lol.. And thnx to her.. I've officially started to wear something
Turquoise!!! =P
*gonna miss shopping with her =')*
Love was definitely in the air in Queens ytd..
Man.. you wouldn't believe it..
It's like couples took over the mall or something...
Couple tees. Bouquet of chocolates in their hand. Trying on diamond rings....
*jealous jealous* Let's not start on the 'How I wish...' shall we? XD
to my parents, friends, couples, cats, dogs, birds, fishes......
Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo