Friday, April 15, 2011

This is C.R.A.P =)

It's been a while now... lol
Can't seem to find anything worth blogging actually....=)
This post is going to be full of CRAP.. haha

I found a job in Queens like a month ago...
And so far... I love this job =)
The supervisors are super nice..
And I have an awesome colleague a year older than
All I need is more luck...Seriously MORE luck >.<

Let's see....
Results are not out yet...
Not until they're done torturing us with this long and agonising wait..
I guess... =S
I don't feel the butterflies yet...

I missed Mr Fernandez's concert... Which is a shame =(
Apparently tickets were sold out really fast...

I had my MUET speaking test..
Ermm... It was okayyyy.... I think.. hehe

Alright I'm done

1 comment:

  1. I'll say:
    couple with the "uhh...Whaat?" reaction up there

