Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sick of -Average-!

I may have my mind set on what I want to be in the future.
But getting there is not easy for me.
Especially having sweaty palms in the way.
In fact, it is causing a lot of difficulties in almost everything I do.

Origami is definitely a No for me.
I don't dare to shake hands with people.
Writing can sometimes be really difficult sometimes.
To me, this is one very embarrassing thing to confess.
I thought that was all. Until I decided to take up dentistry as my career.
Now, THAT is REAL problem.

With dentist and surgeons out of the question.
My only option will be a consultant doctor. If I insist on taking medicine.
I thought I can finally achieve something in my life.

I've been AVERAGE in everyone's eyes
Well I guess

Even fate thinks I deserve only AVERAGE.....