Friday, March 18, 2011

Of Music, Dance and Glamour

Burlesque was sooooo yesterday...
But I was caught in an exam...
You can't really blame me right? hehe

I'm addicted to the soundtrack!
I can watch it over and over and over again!

CHER doesn't look anywhere near 64...
Her opening number makes
people wanna moooove along... lol!
She still sings awesome! Her voice is WOW!!

I had no idea CHRISTINA AGUILERA can dance like that!
She was only known to me all these while as the girl who sang
'What a Girl Wants'.. hehe
Her voice still mind blowing as usual! ;)
And she looks totally different with heavy
makeup on..

CAM GIGANDET. Thought he looked familiar!
He was one of the 'non-vege' vampire from Twilight. haha! James.
With.ABS! lmao!!

For those who.. by any chance.. haven't watch the movie yet
Let me give you a taste of Burlesque.... haha

This is just the beginning...
It gets better and better!
Trust me.. You will NEVER regret watching this! ;)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Movie Craaaaaze!

I missed out on a couple of awesome movies because of my finals...
I managed to catch a few last week...
They ARE really really awesome.

I Am Number Four
Was EPIC! and yea Alex Pettyfer is cute! hehe
Friend complained that her legs were numb at the end
She said she didn't move her legs at all throughout the 2 hours...
Imagine the epic-ness... lol!

Heard a lot about the Beanieplex in 1st Avenue
Out of curiosity we went to check it out...hehe
Bean seats were kinda interesting...
Supposedly 2 person to a seat..
Ample space for couples to cuddle =P
But if you are alone you'll still have to pay for the whole seat..
Be prepared to be surrounded by couples though..
Especially when you're watching Romantic movies like this...

Yup... I watched No Strings Attached in a Beanieplex... lol!
Nice movie though... typical girl kind of movie =)

Moving on..
127 hours

The trailer looked interesting...
The whole movie was practically the same scene..
A crack. A rock. And James Franco.. lol!
Trust me... It is NOT boring at all!
But seriously gruesome and sickening..
Almost gave me nightmares... lmao!
Maybe I shouldn't be a doctor anyway... =P
Wondering why? Imagine watching a guy cutting his own arm with EVERY step in detail...
Yup... from breaking the bone, to cutting the flesh and finally down to the nerves.... =s

Thats all for now....
Will be catching more movies...
Later peeps! =)


Premonitions from stories and movies are coming true....
I mean
Think about it...
Jules Verne predicted adventures under the sea back in 1870
Well we have submarines.

And now the movie 'The Sinking of Japan'...
Part of it came true....
So it kept me wondering will '2012'come true as well?

Quakes and Tsunamis are becoming more frequent..
Christchurch, China then Japan...
Are these signs of the end of the world?

But if you think the world is going to end with some meteor collision
Think again...
There exist a possibility that the world will die in the hands some microorganisms..
Well, not literally in the hands.. you get what I mean...
From SARS to H1N1 and now some Adenovirus...

Not forgetting all the tragedy of people killing people...
We're wiping out our own kind....
Whatever happened to World Peace? =s

2012 is near...
What if the end of the world IS heading our way...
Does that mean we have like what... another year left to live?
That's a bummer... =(

Sunday, March 6, 2011


A Dedication to my Beloved-S...... C=

1. Xiang Llan a.k.a African =P
One really adorable gal who keeps complaining about her colour. She calls it 'dark'. But I call it
'TAN'. hehe..
Good listener when you need one. That explains all the late night talks with her. Thank You dear! Mwahz~
Can be kinda emotional sometimes. Which honestly scares me a bit.. lol!! But I still love her a lot... haha

2. Jing Wei a.k.a Mary C=

How she got her name? Well, according to African. It was because she washes her clothes
everyday. =S I know. I don't quite understand either... lol
She is one freakin smart girl. And seriously hardworking to another level..
Caring. Loving.... She's already qualified to be someone's mum! haha...

3. Sue Theng a.k.a Tibo =D

Her nickname has NOTHING to do with us. It came with her. Like in a package... lol
She was the one who told us she had this nickname since secondary school. In case you're
wondering Tibo means 'helmet' in Hokkien. lmao!
This girl is SUPER BLUR!! Serious! But smart as well... haha.
She seems to have this extraordinary brain in that head of hers. hmmm.... =S

4. Clarise a.k.a Crazy =S

I have seriously no idea why 'Crazy'. Maybe because she jumps around a lot? lol
Technically, she's not my roomie. She stays next door. So... that makes her my House mate?
Erm... She is really devoted to her religion and loves it a LOT.
And yea... she jumps around a lot... haha
Good at giving advices and comforting people but can be emo sometimes... C=

5. Pei Ying a.k.a Tarzan =)

I don't know where she got that name from. Seriously no idea. lmao
Clarise's room mate.
Happy-go-lucky girl that just loves to have fun. Laughs a lot. And make us laugh a lot with
her! hahaha...
She is someone you can go absolutely craaaaaazy with.. haha

6. Sivaranjini a.k.a Lychee Kang (lmao!!)
Classmate. Apartment mate. The beloved macha of mine!
Small. Cute.Mongoose! She's gonna kill me =P
Never fails to make people laugh. Loves Chinese Food! heh~
Had a LOT of awesome memories with her... =')

7. Savira a.k.a Sexayh =o

House mate. Fellow A5 *hearts*
Brings F.U.N everywhere she goes....
She was the one who sushi-fied me... if I'm not mistaken =p
Gonna go Bruno Mars with her!!!!!.. Hopefully =S *fingers crossed*

So gonna miss you people!!! =(

All About Him C=

Had this song stuck in my head the whole day...
And it is STILL playing right now... lol

Find it really sweet...
You guys should check it out C=

Friday, March 4, 2011


F.I.S is now officially... HISTORY!
Moving out was a nightmare though...
Spent 3 hours packing and another 3 unpacking... @.@

The week was seriously long and agonizing..
Stressed out big time...
To the point
That I did something stupid that I will never forgive myself for EVER.... =(
What is done is done.... Why care when no one gives a damn about it~

Stuffing 3 terms of work into one tiny brain...
And of all the time to fall sick..... grrrrr~
Panadol were like candies to me... Surprised that I'm still alive eh?

Everything is over now...
I have HALF A YEAR of HOLIDAYS! how awesome is THAT!!
I kinda have a list of things I PLAN to do...

1. Bruno Mars Concert!!! Still wondering how am I gonna get myself there at the first place..
2. Work those extra flesh off!! THIS is what you get when you Eat.Study.Sleep.
3. Learn how to COOK.. Like seriously. You know how every time you ask someone how much of
this and that to put in when you cook. And you get answers like 'You agak-agak yourself la....' I mean, like that is of much help?
4. Get a job. No idea about this just yet..

That's all peeps.... I wanna sleeeeeeep!!!!!